Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some People Are Wankers

I'd just like to point out that there are a LOT of wankers out there.

There are the people who are automatically suspicious of anybody a little different.  Sometimes that difference is really obvious, someone who doesn't look/talk/dress like you.  Maybe they don't believe like you do about everything, or maybe they are smarter/stupider than you are.  Or maybe just maybe they are a little socially awkward, and don't quite fit in.

Well some of the people who aren't like you are ass-hats...  Nothing for it, but they are, but then again, some of these people might be awesome if you give them half a chance.

Unfortunately 90% of the people I interacted with today are the kind of people who just can't get over differences and give people a chance.  These are the wankers...

I'm really disapointed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

first and foremost

Ok... so I am going to join the 21st century and try this whole blog thing again- (several abortive, melodramatic, ridiculous, maudlin attempts previously notwithstanding)

In this blog I will publicly rant about things- I will not be sparing any feelings, but I probably won't name too many names...

Topics to be covered:
(in no particular order- just a list of things requiring rants that I've come up with in the last week)

1- 100 lvl conceptual art classes are fundamentally irrelevant to students that can't paint/draw/sculpt!
2- If I say "Eid Mubarak" it's NOT an invitation to bash Muslims!
3- I think Canadians are fundamentally nicer than Americans (see pre-med/pre-law forums)
4- I'm 30 years old and I'm still not sure what I'm gonna be when I grow up
5- Negotiating with terrorists... I mean toddlers.

My husband wants to go to bed, so maybe that would be a good plan... damn it's midnight...